Monday, May 28, 2007

My fat lip

Yesterday I was chucking my bag up into a hole in the wall and it came down and hit me in the lip I went to the bathroom and Brianna went down stairs to tell Mum then I went down stairs and Mum got me frozen peas but they didn't work so she got me some ice and wrapped them up in a tea towel and I had the tea towel on my lip till the ice melted after that it was pretty fine but it still hurts when I talk and after a while it starts bleeding

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Guitar

In the weekend I might be getting a guitar and it comes withe 3 free lessons. It's really cool. My Dad is buying it for me well not really I have to pay halve so I'm going to do a job for him in the weekend but it will take ages because I'm writing(On the computer) names, ph numbers, business's and addresses of one thousand people well I'm doing 330 and so is Brianna and Jared but I will try to do more so I can get more money.
I don't like it how I have to pay for it but if I want it I have to, and I really really really really really really want it so I hope I get unough money for it other whys I'm tough out of luck so I'll have to keep my fingers crossed so I can get some good cash to buy a good guitar.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My friends

My closest friends are Josie, Rosa, Cassie and Izzy I have many more than that though. I like them because they are trusting, kind, funny and supportive. I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Me my life and I !!!!!!

In my family there is my Mum shes really nice but sometimes she can be annoying then theres John he's pretty cool Brianna's alright mostly she's irratating but others she's nice Jared is cool sometimes but the rest he is painful. Scott's pretty cool but sometimes he's really a pain in the butt.I have a dog called Mac he's really cool and fun to play with and a cat called Charlie he is sometimes cute and cuddly but others he is a ratbag we also have a bird called Vino sometimes he gets on my last nerve cuase he won't shut up. My hobbies inclued playing on the computer waching tv and riding my bike. If I had to describe me I would say I am a wierd person who loves shopping.